The Enterprising Kitchen, Inc. is a nonprofit organizationcreated to provide job training and life skills developmentfor women living in poverty in Chicago. Within the context of a small business that produces high quality hand-made soaps and gourmet grains, women receive hands-on, intensive assistance that includes: paid employment, work and life skills training and a variety of other support services. TEK's operation of a micro-enterprise enables women to maximize their individual potential. Furthermore, the financial resources generated by product sales help to sustain and develop the program. Women are employed twenty-five hours per week and they are paid minimum wage initially. The income from the sale of our products covers the cost of materials and a portion of our fixed costs. The Enterprising Kitchen does not receive any money from The United Way nor do we receive government funding. Since welcoming its first participant/employees in the summer of 1996, The Enterprising Kitchen has worked with sixty women, thirty-two of whom have already "graduated" to mainstream jobs or other specialized training schools. In 1997, the business expanded its product line. The line of natural soaps was introduced, joining the gourmet grains that have proven to be popular. Sales increased two and one-half times over the level of sales in 1996; sales more than doubled in 1999. During the past year, the board of directors developed a challenging strategic plan. Its major thrust is to strengthen and further develop the business of The Enterprising Kitchen. We continue to investigate various methods of increasing revenues from sales so that the business will support, to a greater extent, the costs of the program. The business is not only a tool for our job training but most importantly it also enables TEK to effectively expand the impact of its mission. We are very proud of our accomplishments over the last eighteenmonths, and we are expecially grateful to our funders, donorsand to our loyal customers. Thank you for your generous supportand your belief in our mission.